Monday, January 24, 2011

The Journey So Far, Part 2

More photos of beautiful people :D Some are from our glorious days way back in 2006. Something to reminisce.

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Lunch outing at Fusion in 2008, featuring Mel and Ridz

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Sungkai at iLotus in 2006, also a farewell gathering for some our attachment students

Here’s a rare photo of the original line-up of the Piranha BOD in 2006. The lady in green is Sarah.

Again, another special photo of the original BOD members with Emily on the most left. Kurus jua aku atu ah! Haha

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Journey So Far, Part 1

Just some random photos of us from the past few years, not much of foodie photos here so don't be disappointed. Just photos of beautiful people: us! :p

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Hari Raya at a colleague’s place in 2007 featuring Mel and Dillah.

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During one of our regular ‘menungap’ outing August 2009

Office function sometime in 2009 with our dear friend Allahyarhamah Dk Siti a.k.a. Lovedear (centre)

..more to come..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Debut

Who are we? We are a bunch of best friends with the passion for food, food and food dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Offer us food and we will finish it all to the bones. In this blog, we will share what we eat (photographically), we will recommend, we will critic and we will share our journeys and travels in search of yummy food! So stand back AFC, enjoy and happy drooling!

Piranha Board of Directors after raiding Excapade Sushi 12/08/2009:p
L-R: Romas, Ashikin, Wai, Mar, Azmi UcingItam & Zairil